Monday, November 10, 2008

Bahrain Tree of life

Bahrain is the smallest country in the entire Arabian kingdom that has a large tourist flow. There are countless tourist attractions that have been directly responsible for the large tourist flow to the land and have boosted Tourism in Bahrain .Among the many tourist attractions that this Arabic nation has, the Tree of Life is one of the most interesting and perhaps the most intriguing tourist attraction of the land. Tree of Life in Bahrain is a remarkable natural phenomenon that is witnessed by all and sundry while visiting Bahrain.
The Tree of Life in Bahrain stands alone with almost majestic flair in the desert about 2 kilometers or approximately 1.2 miles from the Jebel Dukhan. The tree is almost of monumental proportion and has been aptly named as it seems to epitomize the very essence of life. The tree provides cool shades to the travelers in the desert. The source of water on which the tree thrives is unknown and remains an enigma, serving to increase the lure of the place. The very fact that the tree stands amidst a hot and dry desert with no known water source feeding it, makes it symbolic of a powerful life sustaining force. There are several low hanging branches of the trees spreading out in all directions.
The Tree of Life in Bahrain also known as Shajarat al-Hayah is a tree as the name suggests clearly. What puts this special tree in a class apart from the other plantation that Bahrain might have is the fact that this particular tree is a natural wonder. The tree for ages has baffled biologists and scientists alike and still remains a wonder of huge proportions. The Tree of Life in Bahrain remains as one of the best tourist attractions in Bahrain. Tree of Life in Bahrain is a 4 century old mesquite tree that is still considered as one of nature's most baffling creations. The tree still keeps on amazing anyone and everyone witnessing it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice bt can u tell da tree which stands their